



The world need to know that amidst the confusion and negativity concerning the word "church" and the world's interpretation of "church," the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said that He will build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The church need to be the church of the Lord...full of power and His glory

The church is and must be the expression of Jesus's love in the world, for it is God's Embassy on earth. It's time to see the church in its full expression in these last days.

The DELIVERANCE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST is a REGISTERED, recognized church that exists for more than 21 years now and has branches and projects in different places. It gives spiritual covering to other churches in different countries and works with other ministries locally and internationally.


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We believe that the believers in the church must live and relate to one another as family. Family orientation is an important role in church life.

We are not a perfect church, but we seek to PLEASE and SERVE the Perfect MASTER.

Vision of the of my heart, born of God.

1. Reaching souls for Jesus and making them disciples Mat.28:18-20

2. Planting churches and humanitarian projects Mat.16:18

3. Build and train Missionaries and leaders Mat.28:18-20

4. Caring for widows and orphans and giving HOPE to the sick and suffering.

5. To be a BLESSING to the body of Christ and be partner with other labourers and ministries.
